Pharmacy Technician Career

If you take up the pharmacy technician career you would be required to work under a licensed pharmacist and do a lot of pharmacy related tasks. For example you might have to provide medication to patients or might get to do rudimentary tasks related to preparation of medication and other health care products.

Not very long ago, a pharmacy technician career was more of a learn-on-the-job kind of work. But times are changing and pharmacists and doctors prefer to have technicians who have the required background knowledge and information. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board governs the certification of pharmacy technicians and award titles of Certified Pharmacy Technicians. These programs are available with the military, various hospitals, professional training colleges and institutes of vocational studies. Even as recently as four to five years ago, there was no federal law with regards to technicians having to have a basic qualifying degree. But of course in regional jurisdictions like the state of Virginia, things have been different for long.

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In places like UK, a person seeking a pharmacy technician career is compulsorily required to a certification and a license, in the form of accredited programs. These programs are comprised of on the job training and a theory based course. In the near future it would become mandatory to complete both these requirements for a person to be able to use the title of a pharmacy technician .

It is useful to look at labor reports in the recent past to get an idea of the growth and sector distribution in the pharmacy technician career in the United States. Two-thirds of the total number of pharmacy technicians work in retail pharmacies, which can be independent or part of drugstore chain. Another popular option is working in hospitals. A small fraction of the pharmacy technicians also work with mail-delivery systems, pharmacies on the Internet or even for the government. The patterns in the United Kingdom have been seen to be similar.

What would be required to do as a part of pharmacy technician career? Your responsibilities would differ from place to place. Although more often than not you would be required to work under a supervising pharmacists you might sometimes get a chance to fulfill supervisory duties like ensuring co-ordination between various technicians etc.

While working in hospitals, pharmacy technicians are required to check patient s charts and ensure that the medicine that have been prescribed are in tune with the special needs and requirements of the patients. Once that is done, they can supervise the administration of medication, with due permission from the physician in charge of course.

With the mechanization of almost every facet of our daily lives, the pharmacy technician career is not far behind. Their duties also entail managing the robotic organizational systems in health care facilities. Here, they would be required to segregate medicines according to type and dosage, sometimes working with the guidelines of the needs of particular patients. These medicines are then checked and allocated, to the robotic aides according to the dosage advised by the doctors. Technicians would also be required to check for expiry dates etc.

The good news is that the pharmacy technician career is going to only grow from here on. With the increase in population, new diseases being discovered everyday and changes in lifestyle trends, the demand for able pharmacy technicians is increasing everyday.

A pharmacy technician career is ideal for people who are looking to do a satisfying day s work without putting in much time in terms of educational input. There is a good chance that you would wind up working in a pharmacy retail outlet, surveys show that only about 2 out of 10 pharmacy technicians are employed at hospitals.

The projected demand curve of pharmacy technicians is expected to rise consistently till 2014 at least. With increasing kinds and number of diseases and a population exposed to more and more stress pharmacies have no choice but to hire technicians to cater to the increasing demand. People who fulfill the basic legal requirements to work as pharmacist technicians can easily land a job anywhere.

For certified pharmacist technicians, money would hardly be an issue. Also the scope of the job is consistently increasing with the technicians getting to do a lot of things that only the pharmacists could do till not very long ago.

Besides the technical requirements in will work in your favor to have good interpersonal skills. Also you should ideally have some basic knowledge of the basics of science and math to not be completely lost. You should also be able to get along with your other team members. If you have taken care of these basic premises you definitely have a bright pharmacy technician career in from of you.

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Posted in Marketing and Advertising Post Date 08/21/2020






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